Copyright © 1999, TruEntertainment
Don't Steal, Ask!!

1.  You may take and graphics, text, pics, ect. with out our permission.

2.  Some stuff is not ours, we had permission for its use, so please do not take anything from our site or zine!!

3.  You have a created mind, put it to use!

4.  If you would like to use something on this site, just ask!   We don't mind letting you use something.  But, you must have our permission first (in case it's not ours) and give TruEntertainment credit for it.

5.  We put a lot of hard work into this site.  Please consider that.

6.  Do not plagarize!  It's not legal!!

7.  If you want permission to use an article, you must ask for permission from the writer.